An evolving healthcare landscape means implementing new requirements while meeting operational goals.”

Jen Ostlund, Principal, Healthcare and Human Services Practice
Jen Ostlund


New healthcare laws, policies, and standards are driving major changes to health information systems and processes. CSG provides the expertise you need to implement health information technology that achieves your program objectives.

CSG'S Expertise in Action

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Transforming Offender Healthcare Services in Georgia


The Georgia Department of Corrections delivers healthcare services to a population of approximately 42,000 offenders who are housed in 60 state correctional facilities. GDC is transitioning to a new healthcare services delivery model, including the implementation of an Electronic Health Record system, to support high quality outcomes for offender health, improve the sustainability and predictability of healthcare costs, and promote transparent communications across healthcare suppliers with data and performance sharing.

IV&V by CSGSM for an EHR Implementation

Georgia engaged CSG to provide IV&V services for the Offender Physical Healthcare Services project. CSG attends meetings and reviews project documentation, including planning, risk and issue management, data governance, capacity management, communications strategy, and organizational change management. Our team produces monthly dashboard reports evaluating project health and evaluates and makes recommendations on the integrated master schedule to ensure that project budget and resources are sufficient. CSG also reviews vendor deliverables including requirements and design documents, the implementation/cutover plan, and data migration plan.

CSG is here to support Georgia as it works to improve healthcare services and outcomes for offenders in its custody.

HHS Modernization in Connecticut


The State of Connecticut enacted legislation requiring its nine healthcare and human services agencies to adopt best practices and standards in Health Information Technology (HIT) to improve the delivery and quality of healthcare in Connecticut. The Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) is the lead agency in this effort, designated by legislation to coordinate the implementation of an HIT Strategic and Operational Plan.

Establishing an HIT Governance Framework

CSG was selected by the State to facilitate collaborative sessions with DSS and other key State executives to define a clear vision and establish interagency agreement among stakeholders, and assist in developing a sustainable HIT governance structure to improve functionality across the HHS Enterprise. Through these sessions the State was able to establish an effective HIT governance framework, a critical component of the HIT Strategic and Operational Plan.

CSG is there to serve as a trusted facilitator to assist Connecticut in the creation of a foundational governance plan.

Missouri's Health Information Exchange

Jefferson City
Jefferson City

Through the Missouri Health Connection (MHC), a number of provider organizations across the State have begun exchanging Patient Summary Records and other patient data using the Direct Protocol. To expand the reach and impact of the exchange, Missouri needed to complete an assessment of its existing State agency systems and its capacity for participating in exchanging data with providers and other organizations already connected to MHC.

HIE Enterprise Strategy by CSG

Missouri engaged CSG to develop an enterprise strategy for exchanging health information between MHC participants and State agencies including the Departments of Social Services, Mental Health, Health and Senior Services, Elementary and Secondary Education, and Corrections. The enterprise strategy addressed the information technology architecture and operational needs to enable the sharing of health information across agencies and the health information network (HIN). CSG‘s alternatives assessment leveraged best practices to identify enterprise architecture options focused on governance, connection with the HIN, operational costs, management and support capabilities, and compliance with data sharing restrictions and patient consent.

Missouri has a forward-thinking vision to promote statewide and nationwide exchange of health information to better serve the people who depend on them. CSG is there to help achieve that goal.

Health Information Exchange in Illinois


The Illinois Office of Health Information Technology (OHIT) produces the State’s Health Information Exchange (HIE) Strategic and Operational Plan. In Illinois, each of the 16 designated Medical Trading Areas (MTAs) are tasked with creating a plan for local and statewide HIEs. As part of the stakeholder outreach requirement from the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology (HIT), OHIT brought together MTA representatives to incorporate their efforts into the State’s plans.

CSG Helps to Get it Done

OHIT selected CSG to lead this important initiative. CSG assisted in planning, facilitating, and guiding OHIT’s effort to analyze all of the MTA efforts. OHIT and CSG organized and distilled the diverse inputs of the MTAs to support the creation of consistent and comprehensive HIE plans for Illinois, reflecting the broad stakeholder interest and ensuring compliance with ONC requirements.

CSG also developed an IAPD to provide funding to enable Medicaid providers access to electronic health records through the Illinois Health Information Exchange, ultimately improving patient care.

Illinois is striving to improve the quality of healthcare for its people. CSG is there to help achieve that goal.